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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Greenland shark rescued in Newfoundland harbor

A Greenland shark became beached on November 16th in Newfoundland harbor, after choking on a large piece of moose hide. Two men, Derrick Chaulk and Jeremy Ball, worked together to save the shark and get it back out into the water before it was too late. 

According to Chaulk, Ball removed the hide from the shark's gullet while Chaulk tied a rope around its tail. The two men managed to move the shark into about a foot of water, where it lay motionless for several minutes before finally taking a breath. 

Greenland sharks are scavengers, feeding on food found in shallow waters. Their diet mostly consists of fish, but occasionally these animals have been known to feed on larger animals such as moose, polar bears, and reindeer. They are a rare sight for most people, especially around the northeast coast of Newfoundland. To hear that two people went out of their way to save such a spectacular animal is truly heartwarming; many thanks to both of them.

Shark rescue
(Above: Jeremy Ball) Photo courtesy of CBC news Canada

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