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White Shark off the coast of South Africa

Sunday, January 26, 2014


According to 9NewsPerth, protesters have admitted to going out overnight and removing bait from some of the drum lines in WA.


Maryland Shark Finning Ban

Hello all,

The state of Maryland is proposing a new policy that will weaken its ban on shark finning. The state is accepting comments from the public on the policy. David Shiffman, of the RJ Dunlap Marine Lab, has written a post explaining how you can help stop this from going through. Please click the link below and read through his post carefully, following the instructions.

Thank you


Saturday, January 25, 2014

First Fatality of WA Shark Cull

Word has just been received that the first fatality of State Premier Colin Barnett's shark cull is a 3 meter Tiger shark. The animal was baited on the drum lines, shot several times, and is being dragged out to sea. For those that do not know, tiger sharks are listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List

Updates will be made when further information is gathered. Until then, send out some positive thoughts that this disgrace of a mitigation policy will not claim any more innocent victims during the Australian summer. 
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Photo source: 9NewsPerth