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White Shark off the coast of South Africa

Monday, March 11, 2013

CITES 2013

As of this morning's vote, all three species of Hammerhead,  the Oceanic Whitetip, the Porbeagle and both species of manta ray have been accepted to Appendix 2. China, Japan and some smaller countries voted against the proposal. The decision could still be overturned later in the week, but as of right now we have protection for these remarkable creatures! Stay tuned for updates.

At final plenary all shark, ray, and sawfish proposals were accepted.  This is fantastic news! We can now begin to repair the damage caused to these species by humans and give them the protection they so desperately need. It is a fresh start for all involved.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stay tuned for new articles about the CITES conference!